Find for Windows;
#grep -hE "Cluster backup failed with Status.*URI_NOT_FOUND" /var/log/syslog
<179>1 2019-12-14T10:59:38.592Z nsx-mngr-01 NSX 5266 - [nsx@6876 comp="nsx-manager" errorCode="MP29111" s2comp="backup-restore" subcomp="manager"] Cluster backup failed with Status [status=URI_NOT_FOUND, statusDetail={"module_name": "node-services", "error_message": "Specified uri '/Users/Administrator/nsxbackup/testtesttesttes/cluster-node-backups/' not found.", "error_code": 36219}, startTime=1576321162704, endTime=1576321178560].
Find for Linux;
<179>1 2020-04-17T08:24:33.684Z PKS-NSX-MGR03 NSX 18892 - [nsx@6876 comp="nsx-manager" errorCode="MP29111" level="ERROR" s2comp="backup-restore" subcomp="manager"] Cluster backup failed with Status [status=URI_NOT_FOUND, statusDetail={"error_message": "Specified uri '/NSX/cluster-node-backups' not found.", "module_name": "node-services", "error_code": 36219}, startTime=1587111873014, endTime=1587111873677].
Binary file /var/log/syslog matches
There is no resolution as this is not an NSX-T issue. To workaround the issue you can either:
Note: After upgrade to NSX 4.x previous working backups may fail due to the file path now updated with more characters. This comes from updates in the naming convention from NSX backup.