Uploading an ova/ovf to an orgvDC backed by NSX-T network fail with an error Failed creation
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Uploading an ova/ovf to an orgvDC backed by NSX-T network fail with an error Failed creation


Article ID: 312305


Updated On:


VMware Cloud Director VMware NSX


- Org-VDC Backed by NSX-T based Networks
- All networks that are imported via NSX-T are marked as isolated so this is causing all ovf uploads to NSX-T org's to fail.
Error: Failed Creation

Error during content upload: Only direct vApp networks are allowed in Org VDC 



2020-07-01 14:34:15,459 | WARN     | task-service-activity-pool-390 | VAppUploadManagerImpl          | Transfer session: <SESSION_ID>. Error during content upload: Only direct vApp networks are allowed in Org VDC 'OVDC' | requestId=<TASK_UUID>,request=POST https://vcd-domain.local/api/vdc/<VDC_UUID>/action/instantiateOvf,requestTime=1593614051727,remoteAddress=<IP>:25046,userAgent=Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (...,accept=application/*+xml;version 32.0 vcd=<VDC_UUID>,task=<TASK_UUID> activity=(com.vmware.vcloud.backendbase.management.system.TaskActivity,urn:uuid: <TASK_UUID>)

com.vmware.vcloud.api.presentation.service.BadRequestException: Only direct vApp networks are allowed in Org VDC 'OVDC'
        at com.vmware.ssdc.backend.services.impl.VAppManagerImpl.saveNetworkSection(VAppManagerImpl.java:2039)


VMware NSX-T
VMware Cloud Director for Service Provider 9.7.x


When deploying/uploading a vapp in an NSX-T backed org vdc, vCloud only support direct VApp networks in the vapp. Also, the validation for the vapp is currently the same during upload and deploy.


This issue is fixed in vCloud Director version 10.0 with the addition of isolated vApp networks for NSX-T.


If upgrading to a recommended version is not an option, you may apply this workaround:

- Remove the network information from the OVF
- Create networks with the exact naming as in the OVF file in the tenant prior to on-boarding