​2023-02-09 11:54:13] ERROR Failed to upgrade release 'vco' in namespace 'prelude'Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/opt/scripts/helm-upstall", line 272, in main
helm_upgrade(namespace, release_name, args.chart_path, overrides=overrides, values_set=args.set, values_set_string=args.set_string, timeout=upgrade_timeout, reinstall=args.force_reinstall)
File "/opt/python-modules/vracli/decorators.py", line 181, in wrapper
raise err
File "/opt/scripts/helm-upstall", line 184, in helm_upgrade
File "/opt/scripts/helm-upstall", line 48, in run_cmd
raise RuntimeError('command failed')
​RuntimeError: command failed
enableResourceLimits=true,preferLocalEndpoints=true,cluster.replicaCount=3,multiDB=false,enableAdapterHostSvc=true,featureFlags.remoteProxyEnabled=false,enableTelemetry=false,fips_mode=disabled,FQDN=vra_fqdn,INGRESS_URL=https://vra_fqdn,BUILDWEB_NUMBER=20735161,cloudAssemblySvcId=bc898db5-61dc-,defaultOrgAlias= vco vco` failed with status 1: Error: YAML parse error on vco/templates/deployment.yaml: error converting YAML to JSON: yaml: line 525: found a tab character where an indentation space is expected
Note: The preceding log excerpts are only examples. Date, time, and environmental variables may vary depending on your environment.
This issue is caused due to a tab character used as indentation in helm charts file.
To prove this is the cause. Run the following commands
grep -R $'\t' ./opt/charts/*
If any yaml files have a tab in them. They will show up in the grep
Then you can run grep $'\t' <file name from previous command>
It will show exactly which line has the tab in it and needs fixed.
If these commands do not show an yaml file with a tab in the formatting
Then the cause could be that the yaml file it is failing on has something else wrong with it.
A comparison should be done using a new deployed static Aria Orchestrator instance on the same version.
To resolve this issue, remove the tab character as indentation and use space character instead.
Or if a tab is not the cause replace the file in question with a known good source to ensure its using the correct file version of Aria Orchestrator