vCenter HA cluster was out of sync after joined AD
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vCenter HA cluster was out of sync after joined AD


Article ID: 312182


Updated On:


VMware vCenter Server


- vCenter HA cluster status reported out of sync after joined AD.
  • Appliance configuration is out of sync.
  • Automatic failover is not allowed, Manual failover is allowed.


VMware vCenter Server 7.0.x


This usage of SSHD support for GSSAPI is not a supported configuration for VCHA.

1. Log on the vCenter Server Appliance via DCUI(console)
2. Change the shell

   Command> shell

3. Execute the below command
4. vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config
5. Uncomment the line

#GSSAPIAuthentication no

6. Confirm that the line below is commented

#GSSAPIDelegateCredentials no

7. Save and exit using command ":wq!"
8. Restart SSH service

service sshd restart

Note: vCenter will still continue to allow AD as an identity source for SSO