How to: Bundle Cleanup Utility
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How to: Bundle Cleanup Utility


Article ID: 312173


Updated On: 11-29-2024


VMware Cloud Foundation


This article provides instructions for removing old upgrade and install bundles to free up space on the NFS partition


Instructions for removing old upgrade and install bundles


VMware Cloud Foundation 3.10.x
VMware Cloud Foundation 3.9.x
VMware Cloud Foundation 4.x
VMware Cloud Foundation 3.8.x


Use the following steps to remove the bundle(s) to free up space

1. Browse to bundle management section in the SDDC-Manager UI
2. Refine search to "Downloaded" only
3. Open the older bundle that is to be deleted to get the bundle id for step 6
4. Create a snapshot of the SDDC Manager VM
5. SSH to the SDDC Manager VM and change to the root user:


6. From the command line, issue the following command using the bundle id you got in step 3

python /opt/vmware/vcf/lcm/lcm-app/bin/ <bundle id>


For VCF 4.4 and newer versions you could leverage the python script through PowerShell: KB 94760.

<bundle id> should be of the form xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx

Additional Information

  • If you delete a bundle that is needed for future upgrade or install, you will need to redownload.

  • Upgrade history will be removed after removing bundle from SDDC DB