This article will let the customers know about this change in advance , so that customer can plan backend network configuration accordingly.
SDDC Manager UI Switch Pre-configured Profiles Physical NIC association issue with VDS numbering
Detail description:
Step-:1 Host Selection:
Step-2: Switch Configuration Profile section for Traffic Isolation:
Step-3: The profiles Storage Traffic Selection, Storage Traffic, and NSX Traffic Separation show VDS-02 getting associated with physical NICs vmnic0,vmnic1 for VSAN storage isolation.
Storage Traffic Separation:
NSX Traffic Separation:
Due to the backend logic issue, the numbering of physical NICs is out of sync with VDS numbering. This will be fixed in future release.
VMware is aware of this issue and working to resolve this in a future release.
The user has multiple options to change NIC association with VDS:
Use the default profile which contains a single VDS and choose to create the second VDS and associate NICs and networks
Please follow the below steps: