VCF 5.0 is not a supported upgrade path if you are running VCF 4.5.2 version.
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VCF 5.0 is not a supported upgrade path if you are running VCF 4.5.2 version.


Article ID: 312139


Updated On:


VMware Cloud Foundation


This article provides instructions that can be followed after upgrading to VCF 4.5.2 to avoid the 5.0 config drift bundle.

For dark site or air gapped users after downloading the VCF 4.5.2 bundles, A 5.0 config drift bundle will be shown as available when it is not supposed to.


VMware Cloud Foundation 4.5.2
VMware Cloud Foundation 4.x
Vmware Cloud Foundation 4.5.1


This issue only occurs for back in time releases, it won't occur after VCF 5.0 release.

After upgrading to VCF 4.5.2 please follow the below instructions:
Download the latest manifest published on the VMware depot:
./lcm-bundle-transfer-util --download --manifestDownload --depotUser Username
Upload the manifest file to the SDDC Manager appliance.
./lcm-bundle-transfer-util --update --sourceManifestDirectory Manifest-Downloaded-Directory --sddcMgrFqdn FQDN --sddcMgrUser Username
For more details on lcm-bundle-transfer-util please visit: Download Bundles with the Bundle Transfer Utility