This is a known issue affecting the VMware Cloud Foundation upgrades in 3.x. It is resolved in a new patch bundle containing a patched vRSLCM build. Use the steps below in order to download and implement the latest vRSLCM upgrade bundle.
- Navigate to the SDDC Manager UI > Repository > Bundles and check for an available vRSLCM upgrade bundle. Download the vRSLCM upgrade bundle.
- Open an SSH session to the SDDC Manager VM and switch to root user:
su -
- Ensure that the latest vRSLCM bundle is downloaded by running the following command and verifying the new bundle is available:
curl '' | json_pp
The contents will be similar to the below:
"productType": "VRSLCM",
"version": "2.0.0-11187327",
"imageType": "PATCH",
"imagePath": "/nfs/vmware/vcf/nfs-mount/bundle/c2d9b61a-####-####-####-########b39/bundle-9924/vrslcm_patch",
"fromVersion": "2.0.0-10150522",
"size": 4733030540,
"checksum": "aee5e713bcc34441af86cf8aa6e9e2e4910264e54c7a2ace7d14421fbe7dff3a"
"productType": "VRSLCM",
"version": "2.0.0-18023742",
"imageType": "PATCH",
"imagePath": "/nfs/vmware/vcf/nfs-mount/bundle/f8b074ae-####-####-####-########70f/bundle-20101/vrslcm_patch",
"fromVersion": "2.0.0-18023741",
"size": 4700713100,
"checksum": "b00d0d67f7e93965b7c7f63315eec143d28b275257aa1fc27c5f1708737b048f"
• For 3.7.x the version should match: "version": "2.0.0-18023742".
• For 3.8.x and above, the version should match: "version": "2.1.0-19716566"
- Execute the following command as root on the SDDC Manager shell console for the VCF version in use:
• For 3.7.x:
psql -h /home/postgresql/ -U platform -c "update vrslcm set version = '2.0.0-18023741';"
• For 3.8.x:
psql -h localhost -U postgres -d platform -c "update vrslcm set version = '2.0.0-15341636';"
- Refresh the Updates / Patches page and ensure the vRealize Suite Lifecycle Manager upgrade bundle details now show the following info:
• For 3.7.x:
Required Version: 2.0.0-18023741
Update to Version: 2.0.0-18023742
• For 3.8.x and above:
Required Version: 2.0.0-15341636
Update to Version: 2.1.0-19716566
- Trigger the upgrade through SDDC Manager UI.