This issue is resolved in vSphere 8.0 Update 3
Reduce the number of additional components being manually managed in the vLCM image.
If many additional components are necessary for your environment, it will be important to ensure each one of them is updated very regularly. The more versions of a specific component that become available, the more likely this issue will be encountered.
There could be scenarios, where it might take some time to trim down the additional components in the spec and during this intermediate time, Recommendation engine (RE) automatically triggers a new Generate RE image workflow. RE automatically triggers a new generation workflow when the below scenario occurs
1. When a new desired image is set on the cluster.
2. When there is a content change in the VC Depot.
In order for the RE engine to temporarily stop automatically generating recommended images, follow the below steps:
Note: Changes implemented on vCenter Server Database (VCDB) is irreversible, take backup of VCDB before proceeding. For procedure to backup VCDB, refer KB Back Up the Embedded vCenter Server Appliance Database (316471)
updatemgr@<vcenter name>
from root@<vcenter name>
Log in to the vCenter Server Database instance:
psql -U vumuser -d VCDB
Once you have addressed the additional components size in the spec, you can manually trigger a Generate image recommendation workflow. Subsequently automatic RE image generation workflow would also resume.