In Cross vCenter HCI Mesh feature, we introduce a tool
'/usr/lib/vmware-vpx/vsan-health/bin/' on vCenter. It can help clean up the stale client information on the vCenter when it is used as a server vCenter, which has server datastores mounted by some client clusters on client vCenters. when the client vCenter fades unexpectedly and is implacable. The user or GSS needs to use this tool to clean up the stale client information. So far, we don't have such a procedure supported in UI, and we think this is a rare case belonging to the scope of tech support. Such stale client information won't impact other clients in the mounting state, but it will occupy the budget of the clients allowed by the server vCenter/clusters, so we should clean up such stale client information when it happens.
How to manually run this tool, please refer to:, this document is also packaged along with the binary tool on the vCenter under the folder
The server vCenter's stale information clean tool '/usr/lib/vmware-vpx/vsan-health/bin/' which bundled in the 80u1 product, provides the function list cluster, list vCenter, delete cluster and delete vCenter. But this tool bundled in the 80u1 product, the function of listing cluster and listing vCenter works well. But for the function delete cluster and delete vCenter, it will throw some certificate issues.
The failed logs are as following:
2023-01-09T11:50:41.216Z [ERROR] CreateDatastoreSource for Got SSL verify fault: -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/tmp/test-vpx_20230109-2534-1rerzmp/test-vpx-code/bora/vpx/tests/vsan/xvchcimesh/", line 163, in RunCreateDatastoreSource
File "/tmp/tmpwukg8ksc.test-vpx/pyVpx/pyVmomi/", line 598, in <lambda>
self.f(*(self.args + (obj,) + args), **kwargs)
File "/tmp/tmpwukg8ksc.test-vpx/pyVpx/pyVmomi/", line 388, in _InvokeMethod
return self._stub.InvokeMethod(self, info, args)
File "/tmp/tmpwukg8ksc.test-vpx/pyVpx/pyVmomi/", line 1575, in InvokeMethod
raise obj # pylint: disable-msg=E0702
pyVmomi.VmomiSupport.vim.fault.VsanSslVerifyCertFault: (vim.fault.VsanSslVerifyCertFault) {...}
As this is a tool the user use directly, so when the user run this tool, this error message will show in the screen directly.