Collecting network packets using the lightweight PacketCapture on ESXi.
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Collecting network packets using the lightweight PacketCapture on ESXi.


Article ID: 312007


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VMware vSphere ESXi VMware vSphere ESXi 8.0


Describes the PacketCapture tool and steps to efficiently collect network packets on ESXi.


VMware vSphere ESXi 8.0.1


Please follow the below steps for enabling the PacketCapture:

1. SSH to the VMware ESXi host..

2. Enable PacketCapture in the rhttpproxy config.
Note: Since ESXi 8.0U1 the service configuration is stored in a special config store database and is accessible using configstorecli tool.
To edit the configuration for previous releases, refer to: 52843

  • Run the command to create a temporary JSON file containing rhttpproxy config options: 

      /bin/configstorecli config current get -c esx -g services -k rhttpproxy -outfile tmp.json

  • Run the command to edit the file:

     /bin/vi tmp.json

  • Add the following configuration options to the temporary JSON file:

   "packet_capture" : {
      "enabled": true,
      "validity": 2,
      "directory": "/var/run/log"
      "max_data_in_pcap_file": 52428800,
      "max_pcap_files_count": 5,
      "interface_list": [
            "id": "lo0",
            "name": "lo0",
            "max_data_in_pcap_file": 52428800,
            "max_pcap_files_count": 5
            "id": "vmk0",
            "name": "vmk0",
            "max_data_in_pcap_file": 52428800,
            "max_pcap_files_count": 5

Description of the options in the Packet Capture configuration:

Enabled - Whether the tool is enabled or not.
Validity - On startup delete all pcap and pcap.gz files that were last modified more than X hours ago and are not part of the current process.
Directory - Controls where rolling pcap files are stored. The directory must exist and should be accessible.
Max_data_in_pcap_file - Size (in bytes) of captured data of each pcap file before rolling over to the next.
Storing 50 MB of captured data in a pcap file requires a pcap file of about~67.5 MB, the minimum amount on ESXi is 2.5MB.
Max_pcap_files_count - Number of pcap files to rotate amongst. The minimum number is 2.
Interface_list - Interfaces on which rhttpproxy captures packets. It could overwrite each of the PacketCapture's options configured in the config.

  • Run the command to apply the file to the Database:

    /bin/configstorecli config current set -c esx -g services -k rhttpproxy  -infile tmp.json

  • Run the command to restart rhttpproxy service:

    /etc/init.d/rhttpproxy restart

3. You should now see a new .pcap file in the folder /tmp (or if you configured a different destination folder in step 2 by modifying the directory field).

4. When the traffic is sniffed during the network problem, disable the PacketCapture. To disable the PacketCapture:

  • Run the command to create a temporary JSON file containing rhttpproxy options:

/bin/configstorecli config current get -c esx -g services -k rhttpproxy -outfile tmp.json

  • Run the command to edit the file:

/bin/vi tmp.json

  • Edit the enabled field to false:

   "packet_capture" : {
      "enabled": false

  • Run the command to apply the file to the Database:

/bin/configstorecli config current set -c esx -g services -k rhttpproxy -infile tmp.json

  • Run the command to restart rhttpproxy service:

/etc/init.d/rhttpproxy restart

5. Collect the support bundle - Collect the created pcap and pcap.gz files. In case directory was not provided, they are produced by default in /var/run/log.

6. Copy the pcap and pcap.gz files to a system that runs a network analyzer tool, such as Wireshark and examine the packet details.

Note: Before analyzing the ESXi packet details, fix frame size meta data as ESXi packets are truncated by design. To fix frame size, use a third-party tool such as TraceWrangler.

  • Open the pcap files using the tool.
  • Edit files by selecting "Fix frame size meta data" and "Also recalculate wire size when not hard sliced" under Packet list option.
  • Click on Run to save the new files.
  • Analyze the network using the newly generated pcap files.

NOTE: In vSphere 8.0U3, Capture of network packets by using the PacketCapture tool on ESXi does not work. This is a known issue. See VMware ESXi 8.0 Update 3 release notes To workaround this use pktcap-uw tool. For more information  see Capture and Trace Network Packets by Using the pktcap-uw Utility

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Additional Information

PacketCapture collects and evaluate big amount of data which may consume a high CPU and disk usage.