Currently there is no resolution.
To workaround this issue, please follow the below steps:
For VCF versions below 4.5
1. Extend the /data partition by following these steps:
Power off the SDDC Manager VM and wait for a few moments until it's properly turned off.
Add a new disk to the VM as per below.
Turn on the SDDC Manager VM and wait for it to properly come back up.
2. Go to the SDDC Manager VM and run the following commands
echo "- - -" > /sys/class/scsi_host/host2/scan
In your lsblk output you should see the new disk added.
In this example, I added a new disk with 16gb and it's denoted as sdg.
Also please note which disk your /data partition is located under. In this case mine is under sdc. As well as the path to the /data directory. In the screenshot mine is vg_data-lv_data1
3. Add the new disk
pvcreate /dev/sdg <---- Use the newly added disk
4. Extend the Volume Group with the New Disk
vgextend vg_data /dev/sdg <---- Use the newly added disk and VG
Extend the space using the path
5. lvextend -L+16G -r /dev/vg_data/lv_data1 . ← Might have to adjust the size to be less than 16G. Can specify what you want
6. You can verify with df -h that the /data directory now has grown in size.
For VCF versions 4.5 and above
1. Extend the /data partition by following these steps:
Power off the SDDC Manager VM and wait for a few moments until it's properly turned off.
Add a new disk to the VM as per below.
Turn on the SDDC Manager VM and wait for it to properly come back up.
2. Go to the SDDC Manager VM and run the following commands
echo "- - -" > /sys/class/scsi_host/host2/scan
In your lsblk output you should see the new disk added.
In this example, I added a new disk with 16gb and it's denoted as sdg.
Also please note which disk your /data partition is located under. In this case mine is under sdb. As well as the path to the /data directory. In the screenshot mine is data_vg-data
3. Add the new disk
pvcreate /dev/sdg <---- Use the newly added disk
4. Extend the Volume Group with the New Disk
vgextend data_vg /dev/sdg <---- Use the newly added disk and VG
Extend the space using the path
5. lvextend -L+16380M -r /dev/data_vg/data . ← Might have to adjust the size to be less than 16G. Can specify what you want
6. Sometimes a resize is needed: resize2fs /dev/mapper/data_vg-data
6. You can verify with df -h that the /data directory now has grown in size.