In order to have a successful Un-stretch vSAN Cluster Operation, the resolution must be applied.
Below are the some of these symptoms that can occur :
1. From vCenter Client UI, in the Tasks of the vSAN Cluster, which unstretch operation is executed, we see a failed task which tries to enter a host in a Maintenance Mode with the following error:
"General vSAN Error"
2. If you open a SSH connection to any of the ESXi hosts in that vSAN Cluster, and execute
"esxcli vsan cluster unicastagent list"
and in the list of nodes, there is a node with IsWitness == 1. Example:
NodeUuid IsWitness Supports Unicast IP Address Port Iface Name Cert Thumbprint SubClusterUuid
------------------------------------ --------- ---------------- ---------- ----- ---------- ----------------------------------------------------------- --------------
630e1560-fa89-####-####-########3fc 0 true 12321 35:C5:72:93:19:68:BB:5C:FF:03:CF:80:61:A7:06:EC:AE:12:4B:EF a21d567f-e835-####-####-########f73
630e1559-b1c4-####-####-########815 0 true 12321 3B:1C:C4:47:0B:88:E4:58:B1:1A:2B:BE:85:F7:79:71:19:92:A9:15 a21d567f-e835-####-####-########f73
630e1562-c676-####-####-########cc3 0 true 12321 32:AB:8C:C4:0C:A8:E4:08:F9:CC:A3:60:32:16:65:9D:B8:93:D6:A0 a21d567f-e835-####-####-########f73
630e155e-e1b8-####-####-########f1b 0 true 12321 43:AC:EA:1B:3B:BF:FC:19:46:1C:4C:68:D0:0F:9E:93:9E:92:53:95 a21d567f-e835-####-####-########f73
630e155e-e366-####-####-########317 0 true 12321 41:16:63:2A:B0:A8:F7:F0:C3:6F:9F:82:31:51:65:36:6E:A9:A2:B4 a21d567f-e835-####-####-########f73
630e155d-5964-####-####-########1b9 0 true 12321 D9:2A:FB:F8:45:FC:19:24:D8:2C:0F:01:51:C4:7C:44:62:A5:90:C7 a21d567f-e835-####-####-########f73
630e155e-d2a7-####-####-########5c5 0 true 12321 10:AE:2B:B2:D7:A1:E7:0D:55:D3:80:88:8C:73:49:F4:E3:26:AA:8E a21d567f-e835-####-####-########f73
630e1564-5467-####-####-########8e6 0 true 12321 13:84:EE:C8:59:62:DF:63:F2:6B:79:FD:AE:81:C9:99:B1:23:F2:34 a21d567f-e835-####-####-########f73
630e155d-ed1b-####-####-########90f 0 true 12321 E2:6E:A9:87:98:59:FE:15:26:51:80:CA:F9:8E:ED:C8:1B:E6:F7:1A a21d567f-e835-####-####-########f73
630e155e-d498-####-####-########2fa 0 true 12321 68:75:2C:C6:7D:F8:8D:77:DB:B6:00:8C:BD:4D:46:FF:3B:85:56:33 a21d567f-e835-####-####-########f73
630e155e-e308-####-####-########f8f 0 true 12321 09:61:68:7E:D0:1C:8D:4E:DD:C9:15:20:6C:80:07:45:A9:EE:BA:D3 a21d567f-e835-####-####-########f73
630e1579-de0e-####-####-########6f3 1 true 12321 a21d567f-e835-####-####-########f73
VMware Cloud Foundation 4.5
a. For each ESXi host in the vSAN Cluster
1.1. Start SSH Service
1.2. Login in as root through SSH
1.3. Execute the following command:
"esxcli vsan cluster unicastagent remove -a <WITNESS-HOST-IP-ADDRESS>"
b. Remove all old snapshots for each VM in that vSAN Cluster.
c. Change the configuration of the currently applied vSAN Policy:
1. From vSphere Client UI -> Menu -> Policies and Profiles -> VM Storage Profiles -> Find the currently applied vSAN Policy
2. Click Edit
3. In the vSAN Section: