VMware Cloud foundation 5.2
The default scheduled time for the inventory version synchronization job at 3 AM server time of the SDDC manager, interferes with other operations performed during that time.
Follow the below steps:
1. Open a SSH session to the SDDC Manager VM and switch to the root user
su -
2. In a text editor, open the file /etc/vmware/vcf/operationsmanager/application.properties and go to the end of the file
vi /etc/vmware/vcf/operationsmanager/application.properties
3. Add/Change the following entry to the file with the desired cron job schedule (the below example is for 6 AM server time)
inventory.version.sync.interval=0 0 6 * * ?
4. Type ESC and then :wq! to save the file
5. Restart the operationsmanager service
systemctl restart operationsmanager
Currently there is no workaround.