Error: Unable to fetch TransportZoneListResultDto List from NSX, enforcement point default. (Error code: 500139)
VMware NSX
VMware NSX-T Data Center
This issue occurs due to the Global Manager retaining the old thumbprint in place for the Local Manager, which no longer matches the new certificate in place on the Local Manager(s).
This is a known issue impacting VMware NSX.
00 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 XX XX 00 AA BB CC XX XX XX 00 11 22 33 XX XX XX XX 88 99 00 AA BB CC DD
If you note that the SHA fingerprint for the relevant Local Manager matches (the one that was obtained via Local Manager UI -> System/Applicances -> Show Details). Begin with global manager rolling reboot, wait until GM cluster return from degraded state (ie all 3 nodes join to cluster) and repeat on LM cluster.