VMs that are attach to a logical switch lose network connectivity in NSX
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VMs that are attach to a logical switch lose network connectivity in NSX


Article ID: 311753


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VMware NSX for vSphere


  • Virtual machines lose network connectivity when attach to a logical switch.
  • Connectivity comes back up when the same virtual machine is re-attached to another logical switch.
  • Running the net-dvs -l command, you see the VXLAN ID of the affected virtual machine populated with all FFs or unassigned similar to:

    com.vmware.common.port.alias = , propType = CONFIG
    com.vmware.common.port.portgroupid = dvportgroup-707 , propType = CONFIG
    com.vmware.common.port.block = false , propType = CONFIG
    com.vmware.common.port.dvfilter = filters (num = 0):
    propType = CONFIG
    com.vmware.common.port.ptAllowed = 0x 0. 0. 0. 0
    propType = CONFIG
    com.vmware.etherswitch.port.security = deny promiscuous; deny mac change; deny forged frames
    propType = CONFIG
    com.vmware.etherswitch.port.txUplink = normal , propType = CONFIG
    com.vmware.common.port.volatile.persist = /vmfs/volumes/########-26734500-e82d-########/.dvsData/######## b2 70 82 cf-46 00 98 88 ########/1016 , propType = CONFIG
    com.vmware.etherswitch.port.vlanNestedTag = 0xff.ff.ff.ff
    propType = CONFIG POLICY
    com.vmware.net.vxlan.cp = 0xff.ff.ff.ff
    propType = CONFIG POLICY
    com.vmware.net.vxlan.id = 0xff.ff.ff.ff
    propType = CONFIG POLICY
    com.vmware.net.vxlan.mcastip = 0xff.ff.ff.ff
    propType = CONFIG POLICY


VMware vCenter Server 6.5.x
VMware NSX for vSphere 6.4.x


This is a known issue affecting NSX for vSphere 6.x environment with vCenter 5.5.x and 6.x.

If you believe you have encountered this issue, please open a support case with Broadcom Support and refer to this KB article.

For more information, see Creating and managing Broadcom support cases.