Uplink redundancy restored on DVPorts events for specific virtual machine Dvports
Article ID: 311613
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VMware vCenter ServerVMware vSphere ESXi
You observe these events logged in vCenter Server:
Uplink redundancy restored on DVPorts: "1218/77 10 0c 50 7d ## ## ##-## ## ## ## 7a b8 42 51". Physical NIC vmnic9 is up.
The ESXi/ESX host's /var/log/messages log file contains entries similar to: [esx.clear.net.dvport.redundancy.restored] Uplink redundancy restored on DVPorts: "12182/77 10 0c 50 7d ## ## ##-## ## ## ## 7a b8 42 51". Physical NIC vmnic9 is up.
This message indicates that a virtual machine has come alive on a NIC, which can happen after a virtual machine is powered on, restarted, a vMotion is performed, or when a virtual machine snapshot is created.
You can safely ignore this message "Uplink redundancy restored on DVPorts: "1218/77 10 0c 50 7d ## ## ##-## ## ## ## 7a b8 42 51".
This should not be confused with the message "Uplink redundancy restored on dvPorts: "dvPort1". Physical NIC vmnic1 is up", which indicates that a link is either "Up" after a "Down" event. If you are seeing this error message please reference this article for possible troubleshooting steps: Network adapter (vmnic) is down or fails with a "Failed Criteria Code"