How to override MCOSYS values when this option exists in the JCLCheck JCLDFLT
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How to override MCOSYS values when this option exists in the JCLCheck JCLDFLT


Article ID: 31143


Updated On:


JCLCheck Workload Automation


JCLCheck runtime option MCOSYS is set as a default option (in the JCLDFLT table).  How to override the MCOSYS value for a JCLCheck run?


Release: 12.0
Component: JCLCheck Workload Automation


Use runtime option MCOUSR

The MCOUSR file will contain the values that need to be altered.  If all MCOSYS values are to be ignored, then use option NOMCO.




Additional Information

When processing a message, the following order is used:   

JCLMSG (out of the box or as modified by USERMOD MZ2C023)
JCLCheck program that issues the message
MCOSYS (if option specified)
MCOUSR (if option specified)
CAZ1REXX or REXX EXEC specified in the STDREXX option (if REXXMSG option is specified)
CAZ1XERR (if option specified; out of the box retains all messages or as modified by USERMOD MZ1C030)

In this case, MCOUSR will override the MCOSYS option.