Adding a SCSI controller to the virtual machine
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Adding a SCSI controller to the virtual machine


Article ID: 311427


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VMware vCenter Server VMware vSphere ESXi


When a virtual machine runs out of available device nodes, you may not be able to add more virtual disks or RDMs. The Edit Settings option of the virtual machines does not provide any option to add a SCSI controller.
This article provides a method to add a SCSI controller to the virtual machine.


VMware ESXi 6.5

VMware ESXi 6.7

VMware ESXi 7.0

VMware ESXi 8.0

VMware vCenter Server 6.5.x

VMware vCenter Server 6.7.x

VMware vCenter Server 7.0.x

VMware vCenter Server 8.0.x



To add a SCSI controller to the virtual machine:
  1. Right-click the virtual machine and click Edit Settings.
  2. Select one of the existing virtual disks and change the virtual device node. For example, change SCSI (0:0) to SCSI (1:0). (You see that a new SCSI controller is added in the configuration)
  3. Revert the configuration of the device node back to the original settings. For example, change SCSI (1:0) to SCSI (0:0).
Note: A virtual machine can only be configured with a maximum of 4 SCSI controllers. For more information, see the VMware Configuration Maximum tool guide.

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