安装 vCenter Server 后无法启动 VMware VirtualCenter Server 服务
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安装 vCenter Server 后无法启动 VMware VirtualCenter Server 服务


Article ID: 311324


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VMware vCenter Server


免责声明:本文为 After installing vCenter Server, the VMware VirtualCenter Server service fails to start (1004280) 的翻译版本。尽管我们会不断努力为本文提供最佳翻译版本,但本地化的内容可能会过时。有关最新内容,请参见英文版本。

  • 安装 vCenter Server 后无法启动 VirtualCenter Server 服务
  • 尝试手动启动 VMware VirtualCenter Server 服务失败
  • 尝试启动 VMware VirtualCenter Server 时出现以下错误:
    • Could not start the VMware VirtualCenter Server service on Local Computer. Error 1067: The process terminated unexpectedly.
    • Could not start the VMware VirtualCenter Server service on Local Computer. Error 1069: The service did not start due to a logon failure.
    • The VMware VirtualCenter Server Service on Local Computer started then stopped. Some services stop automatically if they have no work to do, for example the Performance Logs and Alerts service.
    • Virtual Center service specific error 2.
  • 服务可通过命令行启动。
  • vpxd.log(位于 %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Application Data\VMware\VirtualCenter\logs)包含错误:
Locale subsystem initialized from
C:\Program Files\VMware\Infrastructure\VirtualCenter Server\locale/ with default locale en.
Locale '' not supported in module 'iso2win'.
Invalid server locale specified.
[VpxdMain] Failed to initialize: Invalid Locale.
Failed to initialize VMware VirtualCenter.Shutting down...
Forcing shutdown of VMware VirtualCenter now


VMware vCenter Server 4.1.x
VMware vCenter Server 5.0.x
VMware vCenter Server 5.5.x
VMware vCenter Server 5.1.x
VMware vCenter Server 4.0.x
VMware VirtualCenter 2.5.x


  1. 确保用于安装 vCenter Server 的系统属于一个域而非工作组。有关详细信息,请参见 ESX Server 3 Installation Guide 中的“VirtualCenter Server Prerequisites”,或 ESX and vCenter Server Installation Guide 中的“vSphere 4 VCenter Server Prerequisites”
  2. 确保 VirtualCenter Server 服务使用正确的凭据。例如,如果服务凭据属于仅在特定域内具有管理员特权的帐户,则必须将凭据更改为域帐户。

    确保 vCenter Server 使用正确的凭据:

    1. 单击开始 > 运行,接着键入 services.msc,然后按 Enter 键。
    2. 双击 VMware VirtualCenter Server 服务
    3. 单击登录选项卡。
    4. 选择此帐户,然后按域名\帐户名格式键入帐户名,或单击浏览查找正确的帐户。
    5. 密码确认密码字段中为帐户输入相应的密码。
    6. 单击确定
    7. 启动服务。

  3. 确保是否没有服务使用 vCenter Server 端口。VirtualCenter WebAccess 的默认端口是 80。停止可能使用此端口的所有服务。有关详细信息,请参见 ESX Server 3 Installation Guide 中的 Configuring Communication Between VirtualCenter Components 和 vSphere 4 ESX and vCenter Server Installation Guide 中的“Required Ports”

Additional Information

有关排除 VMware VirtualCenter Server 服务未启动故障的详细信息,请参见 Troubleshooting the VMware VirtualCenter Server service when it does not start or fails on vCenter Server (1003926)
有关 Virtual Infrastructure 文档的完整列表,请参见 https://www.vmware.com/support/product-support/vi3.html
After installing vCenter Server, the VMware VirtualCenter Server service fails to start