VirtualCenter Server with multiple IP addresses changes the IP address while the services are running
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VirtualCenter Server with multiple IP addresses changes the IP address while the services are running


Article ID: 311264


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VMware vCenter Server


  • The vCenter Server has multiple IP addresses and changes the IP address on which the services run
  • The ESX hosts disconnect from the VirtualCenter
  • You see the message:

    These ESX are currently being managed by another VirtualCenter (VC) and do you want to continue.
    The "other" VirtualCenter (VC) is using the original IP address of the server.


VMware vCenter Server 5.1.x
VMware vCenter Server 5.0.x
VMware VirtualCenter 2.5.x
VMware vCenter Server 4.1.x
VMware vCenter Server 4.0.x
VMware VirtualCenter 2.0.x


To resolve this issue, use a Managed IP Address.

For VMware Virtual Center 2.x

To assign a Managed IP address:
  1. Log in to VirtualCenter.
  2. Disable VMware High Availability (HA) for any VMware HA enabled clusters.
  3. From VMware Infrastructure Client, click the Administration menu and choose VirtualCenter Management Server Configuration.
  4. Click Runtime Settings.
  5. Assign the VirtualCenter Server Managed IP Address.
  6. If the ESX hosts managed by VirtualCenter show as Not Responding:

    1. Right-click the ESX hosts and click Disconnect.
    2. Right-click the ESX hosts and click Connect.
    3. If prompted, enter the root username and password.

  7. When all ESX hosts are connected and show as Responding, re-enable VMware HA.

For vCenter Server 4.x and 5.x

To assign a Managed IP address:

  1. Log in to the vCenter server with the vSphere Client
  2. Disable VMware High Availability (HA) for any VMware HA enabled clusters.
  3. From VMware vSphere Client, click Administration menu and choose vCenter Server Settings.
  4. Click Runtime Settings.
  5. Assign the vCenter Server Managed IP Address.
  6. If the ESX hosts managed by VirtualCenter show as Not Responding:

    a. Right-click the ESX hosts and click Disconnect.
    b. Right-click the ESX hosts and click Connect.
    c. If prompted, enter the root username and password.

  7. When all ESX hosts are connected and show as Responding, re-enable VMware HA.

Additional Information

Fore related information on assigning the vCenter Server Managed IP address, see Verifying the vCenter Server Managed IP Address (1008030)
Verifying the VMware vCenter Server Managed IP Address