process fails and restarts unexpectedly.vobd.log
file (on the ESXi host), located at /var/log/, you can see an entry similar to,:yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.nnnZ: [UserWorldCorrelator] nnnnnus: [esx.problem.hostd.core.dumped] /bin/hostd crashed (n time(s) so far) and a core file may have been created at /var/core/hostd-worker-zdump.nnn. This may have caused connections to the host to be dropped.
or hostd-worker-zdump.NNN
is located at /var/core/
on the ESXi host. vmware-hostd
process failure and restart, the hostd.log
file on the ESXi host contains error message similar to:[nnnnnnn info 'Default'] CreateISCSIHBA
process. IMA plug-ins ship with iSCSI drivers and are part of the same installable VIB. The corresponding iSCSI HBA hardware is not required to be present to trigger the outage.