New Dispatch / TLMS EDM interface for managing archive tapes
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New Dispatch / TLMS EDM interface for managing archive tapes


Article ID: 31105


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Dispatch Output Mgmt


New enhanced functionality has recently been made available for Dispatch release 11.7 which now provides a direct External Data Manager (EDM) interface between Dispatch and TLMS for management of the Dispatch associated archive volsers. The new interface provides a mechanism for direct communication between Dispatch and TLMS for scratching TLMS EDM recognized volsers when the Dispatch defined retentions for all of the reports on a particular volser have exceeded their retentions and been deleted from the Dispatch database.


The new interface is available with the application of recently published Dispatch apars RO82687 and RO79236.

A summary of the changes to TLMS involve identifying both the EDM and the Dispatch archive tapes that will be under EDM control:                        

       -Define Dispatch to TLMS as an EDM.
       -Update TLMS RMF entry for Dispatch volumes.
       -Update the EDM ID for the active Dispatch volumes by running the new DSEXTEDM job.
       -Re-initialization of the TLMS TLMSIPO options.

A summary of the changes to Dispatch include:

      -Application of apars RO79236 and RO82687 which adds TLMS EDM support to Dispatch 11.7
        in the form of a new Special Feature and the new DSEXTEDM job to update the TLMS database.
      -Installation of new special feature FEAT062 with a flag setting of Y.
      -Setting the appropriate Tape Management System option on the Dispatch VSGMU210 screen.
      -Making the TLMS program TLMSSEDM available to the Dispatch archive cleanup utility when it executes. 

Continue executing the batch maintenance cleanup utility DSEXPSAR (or DSEXTMIG if Dispatch is down) regularly to notify TLMS of the VOLSERS that can be scratched.

Please download and refer to recently published Documentation Update (PDC) RI81973 for the complete Dispatch / TLMS EDM interface installation and implementation instructions.