Software iSCSI LUN paths do not recover after going offline, or iSCSI reconnect randomly
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Software iSCSI LUN paths do not recover after going offline, or iSCSI reconnect randomly


Article ID: 311035


Updated On:


VMware vSphere ESXi


  • You are using the software iSCSI initiator in VMware ESXi. iSCSI LUN connectivity issues on ESX/ESXi.
  • You have multiple VMkernel portgroups in the same subnet, accessing the same iSCSI target.
  • iSCSI connections are frequently being marked as offline, but not all connections come back online again.
  • Multiple dead paths accumulate over time.
  • No actual network traffic loss is experienced.
  • iSCSI initiator reconnecting randomly after reboot.
  • Latency issue observed with high KAVG/cmd and QAVG/cmd.
  • The ESXi server's /var/log/vmkernel.log file frequently displays warnings similar to:

    vmkernel: 57:14:42:01.498 cpu5:4321)WARNING: iscsi_vmk: iscsivmk_ConnReceiveAtomic: vmhba34:CH:0 T:6 CN:0: Failed to receive data: Connection closed by peer
    vmkernel: 57:14:42:01.498 cpu5:4321)iscsi_vmk: iscsivmk_ConnRxNotifyFailure: vmhba34:CH:0 T:6 CN:0: Connection rx notifying failure: Failed to Receive. State=Online
    vmkernel: 57:14:42:01.498 cpu5:4321)WARNING: iscsi_vmk: iscsivmk_StopConnection: vmhba34:CH:0 T:6 CN:0: Processing CLEANUP event
    vmkernel: 57:14:42:01.748 cpu4:4321)WARNING: iscsi_vmk: iscsivmk_StopConnection: vmhba34:CH:0 T:6 CN:0: iSCSI connection is being marked "OFFLINE"
    vmkernel: 57:14:42:07.835 cpu1:4321)WARNING: iscsi_vmk: iscsivmk_StartConnection: vmhba34:CH:0 T:6 CN:0: iSCSI connection is being marked "ONLINE"


VMware vSphere ESXi 6.x
VMware vSphere ESXi 7.0.x
VMware vSphere ESXi 8.0.x


  • The iSCSI connection is closed by the iSCSI target and the connection closed by peer refers to TCP session reset/closure that is sent from the target storage to the ESXi host.
  • A network error occurred while the client was receiving data from the server.
  • This issue occurs due to improper storage array configuration, host networking configuration, or the VMware ESXi product. The server accepts the connection, processes the request, and sends a reply to the client.
  • When the server closes the socket, the client believes that the connection has been terminated abnormally because the socket implementation sends a TCP reset segment telling the client to throw away the data and report an error.
  • Over-saturation of the SAN or SAN array, resulting in loss of communication, or storage task completion after the ESXi host has already stopped the task due to timeout (5000 ms).
  • Duplicate SAN targets IP addresses, resulting in intermittent connection loss and other anomalous behavior.
  • SAN target connection load balancing. Disable connection load balancing when using VMware ESXi software iSCSI initiators. You can utilize the Round-Robin multipathing policy to configure load balancing.
  • VMkernel networking misconfiguration:


To resolve this issue, collect the TCP-dump during these messages and the storage OEM should identify the reason.

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