Regenerating expired SSL certificates after 2 years in VMware vCenter Server 4.x / 5.0.x
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Regenerating expired SSL certificates after 2 years in VMware vCenter Server 4.x / 5.0.x


Article ID: 310997


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VMware vCenter Server VMware vSphere ESXi


  • When trying to perform a discovery using the EMC Control Center application to vCenter Server, Error 39 appears.
  • The discovery process does not complete.
To regenerate certificate in vSphere 6.x see How to regenerate vSphere 6.x certificates using self-signed VMCA .


VMware ESX 4.0.x
VMware VirtualCenter 2.5.x
VMware vCenter Server 4.0.x
VMware vCenter Server 5.0.x
VMware vCenter Server 4.1.x


For more information on upgrading to vCenter Server 5.1 or 5.5, see Implementing CA signed SSL certificates with vSphere 5.x (2034833). If you do not want to implement CA-signed SSL certificates in your environment, you can regenerate VMware default SSL Certificates during the upgrade using these steps before upgrading:
  1. Log in to the vCenter Server system
  2. Uninstall the current version of vCenter Server
  3. Rename the C:\ProgramData\VMware\VMware VirtualCenter\SSL directory to SSL.old
  4. Perform the upgrade process. This will re-generate new default certificates.

In this case, the SSL certificates are expired and the discovery process fails. There are two methods that can be used to update the SSL certificates.

Note: The SSL certificates have a lifespan of two or ten years depending on the version.
  • For VirtualCenter 2.5, the lifespan is two years
  • For vCenter Server 4.x and later, the lifespan is ten years

Method 1

With this method, it is possible to regenerate the certificates using OpenSSL. The existing rui.key file is used to accomplish this. This is the only method available if vCenter Server 4.0 is installed.

OpenSSL is a free utility that can be used to generate SSL certificates. It is available for download from A version for Windows or Linux is available.

Note: The preceding link was correct as of Sep 18, 2015. If you find the link is broken, provide a feedback and a VMware employee will update the link.

For special instructions on downloading the most recent version of OpenSSL (greater than version 0.9.8), see Issues viewing Storage Views, Performance Overview, and Hardware Status when OpenSSL 1.0.0 version or higher is used to create self-signed certificates (1025966).

Note: OpenSSL is pre-installed on ESX and can be used to complete these steps. It is not pre-installed on ESXi.

To regenerate an expired certificate:
  1. Locate the rui.key file on the vCenter Server system.

    Note: On versions of Windows prior to Windows Server 2008, this location is:

    C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\VMware\VMware VirtualCenter\SSL

    On Windows Server 2008, this location is:

    C:\ProgramData\VMware\VMware VirtualCenter\SSL
  2. Copy the existing rui.key to a system where OpenSSL is installed.
  3. Create a new certificate and pfx file.
    • On Windows, run these commands:

      openssl.exe req -new -x509 -days 3650 -sha1 -nodes -key rui.key -out rui.crt -subj "fqdn_of_VC"

      Where fqdn_of_VC is the fully qualified host name of the vCenter Server system. If this command returns a subject that does not start with "/", use this command instead:

      openssl.exe req -new -x509 -days 3650 -sha1 -nodes -key rui.key -out rui.crt -subj "/C=US/ST=CA/L=HAWTHORNE/CN=vcenter_name"

      Where C = country(US) , ST = State (CA), L = City (HAWTHORNE), and CN = the name of the vCenter Server.

      Note: It may be necessary to create an openssl.cnf file and add -config openssl.cnf to the command. For more information, see the Replacing vCenter Server Certificates Guide.

      openssl.exe pkcs12 -export -in rui.crt -inkey rui.key -name rui -passout pass:testpassword -out rui.pfx
    • On Linux or an ESXi/ESX host, run these commands:

      openssl req -new -x509 -days 3650 -md5 -nodes -key rui.key -out rui.crt -subj 'fqdn_of_VC'

      Where fqdn_of_VC is the fully qualified host name of the vCenter Server system.

      openssl pkcs12 -export -in rui.crt -inkey rui.key -name rui -passout pass:testpassword -out rui.pfx

    Note: Ensure that you use the default password, testpassword, for self-signed certificates. Otherwise, edit the keystorepass attribute in the %PROGRAMFILES%\VMware\Infrastructure\tomcat\conf\server.xml file.

    To edit the keystorepass attribute:
    1. Open the %PROGRAMFILES%\VMware\Infrastructure\tomcat\conf\server.xml file in a text editor.
    2. Search for <Connector port="8443"</code>. This line refers to the rui.pfx certificate file that changes when you update your certificate.
    3. Set the keystorePass attribute to the rui.pfx certificate password. The password cannot be blank.
  4. Stop the VMware VirtualCenter Server service. For more information, see Stopping, starting, or restarting vCenter services (1003895).
  5. Copy the newly created rui.crt and rui.pfx files to the appropriate directory on the vCenter Server system (from step 1).
  6. Start the VMware VirtualCenter Server service. For more information, see Stopping, starting, or restarting vCenter services (1003895).

    Note: After replacing the certificates for vSphere 4.1/5.0, the database password may need to be re-encrypted, which may prevent vCenter Server from starting. To resolve this issue, see vCenter Server fails to start after replacing the default SSL certificates with custom SSL certificates (1003070).

Regenerating the vCenter Inventory Service and the vSphere Web Client certificates on vCenter Server 5.0.x

If you are running vCenter Server 5.0.x, you must also regenerate the certificate for the vCenter Inventory Service and the vSphere Web Client. To avoid conflicts between the different components' SSL certificates on the same server, VMware recommends creating each certificate with a different CN.

For example, this command regenerates certificates for the inventory service from its key:

openssl.exe req -new -x509 -days 3650 -sha1 -nodes -key rui.key -out rui.crt -subj "/C=US/ST=CA/L=HAWTHORNE/CN=WDC-WIN2K8_InventoryService"

By default, the SSL folder location for the Inventory service is:

Inventory_Service_Installation_location\Inventory Service\ssl

By default, the SSL folder location for the vSphere Web Client Client is:

vSphere_Web_Client_Installation_location\vSphere Web Client\DMServer\config\ssl

Additional notes on vSphere 4.1 / 5.0

The procedure for replacing SSL certificates has changed in vSphere 4.1. For more information, see Replacing vCenter Server 4.1 and 5.0 SSL certificates using the vpxd -p command fails with the error: failed to do early initialization (1030661).

In ESXi 4.1, you can create new self-signed certificates. For more information, see hostd fails to start with a Crypto Exception error (1021625).

In vCenter Server 4.1 and 5.0, the certificates must be reloaded to the Managed Object Browser (MOB). For more information, see:

Method 2 (for VirtualCenter 2.5)

With this method, a new VirtualCenter SSL certificate is generated via the installation/repair process. This method is only applicable to VirtualCenter Server 2.5, as vCenter Server 4.0 and 4.1 do not have a repair option available.

Note: For VirtualCenter 2.5 Update 2 and earlier, disconnect all ESX hosts. VirtualCenter 2.5 Update 3 and higher automatically disconnects the hosts.

To regenerate an expired certificate:

  1. Stop the VMware VirtualCenter Server service. For more information, see Stopping, starting, or restarting vCenter services (1003895).
  2. Browse to C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\VMware\VMware VirtualCenter\SSL and remove these files (or move them to another folder):


  3. Navigate to Control Panel > Add/Remove Programs and choose to run a Repair on the VirtualCenter Server installation.

    Caution: Ensure you do not choose to initialize the database.

  4. After the repair is complete, there are three new rui files created in:

    C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\VMware\VMware VirtualCenter\SSL

  5. Start the VMware VirtualCenter Server service. For more information, see Stopping, starting, or restarting vCenter services (1003895).
  6. Use the VMware Infrastructure Client to connect to vCenter Server. The ESXi hosts appear in a disconnected state. This is expected because vpxd.exe cannot decrypt the vpxuser password stored in the database using the current SSL certificates.
  7. Manually reconnect all hosts.

Additional Information

Notes: vCenter Server fails to start after replacing the default SSL certificates with custom SSL certificates
How to stop, start, or restart vCenter Server services
Requirements when using trusted certificates with VMware Site Recovery Manager 1.0.x to 5.0.x
hostd fails to start with a Crypto Exception error
Issues viewing Storage Views, Performance Overview, and Hardware Status when OpenSSL 1.0.0 version or higher is used to create self-signed certificates
Replacing vCenter Server 4.1 and 5.0 SSL certificates using the vpxd -p command fails with the error: failed to do early initialization
Pairing VRMS server with vCenter Server fails with the error: Unacceptable signature algorithm: MD5withRSA
Configuring OpenSSL for installation and configuration of CA signed certificates in the vSphere environment
Implementing CA signed SSL certificates with vSphere 5.x
Configuring CA signed SSL certificates for VMware vCenter Single Sign-On in vSphere 5.1
2 年を超えた VMware vCenter Server 4.x / 5.0.x での期限切れ SSL 証明書の再生成
2 年后在 VMware vCenter Server 4.x/5.0.x 中重新生成已过期的 SSL 证书