Lost pings and delays in the physical switch during NIC teaming failback
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Lost pings and delays in the physical switch during NIC teaming failback


Article ID: 310812


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VMware vSphere ESXi


This article provides information about minimizing the delay for a physical switch to detect NIC teaming failback.


  • Pings/ICMP are lost during NIC teaming failback
  • Other traffic/packets also lost during NIC teaming failback


VMware ESXi 7.x
VMware ESXi 8.x


There is a delay in the physical switch detecting NIC teaming failback and getting in a forward state.


Packet loss is expected during failback.
If the primary physical adapter is experiencing intermittent failures, the failback setting can lead to frequent changes in the adapter in use. The physical switch sees frequent changes in MAC address, and the physical switch port may not accept traffic immediately when a particular adapter comes online.
To minimize delays or lost pings, disable the following on the physical switch:

Alternatively, set Failback to No. This option determines how a physical adapter is returned to active duty after recovering from a failure. A failover event triggers the network traffic to move from one NIC to another. When a link up state is detected on the originating NIC, traffic automatically reverts to the original network adapter when Failback is set to Yes. When Failback is set to No, a manual failback is required.

Additional Information

For related information, see Networking Concepts Overview