How to correct Dispatch's archive database if you have a 'bad' or missing archive tape/volser?
To DELETE the pointers out of Dispatch for all the reports that are on the bad or missing tape/volser you need to execute the CADSJCL library job DSEXARD . This job will be looking for a procedure (PROC) known as CADSARD which is located in the Dispatch installed CADSPROC library so make sure you add a //JCLLIB card to your submit JCL or move the PROC to an available system PROCLIB.
The DSEXARD job is designed to run with Dispatch ACTIVE. The job can perform different functions depending on how you set the control parameters. When you run the DSEXARD job specifically to delete the archive pointers to reports on bad or missing tapes, you need to set the JOBPARM control parameter as follows.
( *Where ‘nnnnnn’ is the actual volser number for the tape you are running it against. )
You can run the job up to against 3 volsers at one time separating the volser numbers with a comma.