Deploying virtual machines in VMware NSX for vSphere 6.x fails with the error: Total number of bindings and pools should not exceed 2,048
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Deploying virtual machines in VMware NSX for vSphere 6.x fails with the error: Total number of bindings and pools should not exceed 2,048


Article ID: 310639


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VMware NSX for vSphere



  • When deploying additional virtual machines in VMware NSX for vSphere, or using other products like VMware Integration OpenStack, you are unable to provision additional virtual machines
  • Running the show log command on the NSX Manager console displays entries similar to:

    Bad, response {"details":"[Dhcp] Total number of bindings and pools should not exceed 2,048","errorCode":12505,"moduleName":"vShield Edge


VMware NSX for vSphere 6.4.x


This issue occurs due to a DHCP static binding or static pool limitation. The default number of bindings and pools cannot exceed 2,048 in a compact edge device. 


To resolve this issue, follow one of the following resolution.
Resolution - increase the size of the edge appliance
  • Log into the vSphere Web Client and navigate to Networking and Security, then NSX Edges, and highlight the affected edge device.
  • Right click on the edge device and select Change Appliance Size.
  • Increase the size to reflect the appropriate number of bindings and pools for the environment.
Compact supports 2,048 bindings
Large and X-Large supports 4,096 bindings
Quad Large supports 8,192 bindings