The following steps can be used to revert the OC setup back to the initial non-CAC configuration:
1. Stop the OC Server. This can be done by any of the following approaches:
- Killing the process
- Executing “$SPECROOT/tomcat/bin/
- Executing “net stop SpectrumTomcat” on Windows
2. Edit the file $SPECROOT/tomcat/conf/server.xml and re-comment the section that was uncommented when configuring CAC initially. This is related to <Connector port=”443” …
3. Edit the file $SPECROOT/tomcat/conf/context.xml and change the following line from:
- <Valve className="com.aprisma.tomcat.authenticator.CACAuth" changeSessionIdOnAuthentication="false" /> to
- <Valve className="org.apache.catalina.authenticator.BasicAuthenticator" changeSessionIdOnAuthentication="false" />
4. Restoring the original file in Spectrum/tomcat/webapps/spectrum/WEB-INF/web.xml by executing the script in: $SPECROOT/Install-Tools/
5. Restore the file, cac-system-config.xml, by executing:
- cp $SPECROOT/tomcat/webapps/spectrum/WEB-INF/cac/config/cac-system-config.xml $SPECROOT/custom/cac/config/cac-system-config.xml
6. Restart the web server and check the log for any errors to ensure all steps have been done correctly.