Migrator error during reinstall NFA
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Migrator error during reinstall NFA


Article ID: 31057


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CA Network Flow Analysis (NetQos / NFA)


Migrator Error in NFA after Harvester or Console Installation.  

You may encounter this error with NFA Harvester after an uninstall and reinstall attempt.

The Harvester installation fails with a migrator error in the migrator.log showing specifically this:

2015/06/04 14:06:13 INFO DriverManagerDataSource::setDriverClassName() - Loaded JDBC driver: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
2015/06/04 14:06:15 WARN SqlPropInspector::exists() - Exception: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.CommunicationsException: Communications link failure
The last packet sent successfully to the server was 0 milliseconds ago. The driver has not received any packets from the server. message: Communications link failure
The last packet sent successfully to the server was 0 milliseconds ago. The driver has not received any packets from the server.
2015/06/04 14:06:15 FATAL TheSet::migrate() - Unhandled exception com.ca.im.migrator.exceptions.MigratorException: Cannot determine whether prop exists
at com.ca.im.migrator.business.SqlPropInspector.exists(Unknown Source)

This happens because the Mysql service doesn't get properly installed during the re-installation, because the installation detects that it may already be installed. 


Release: RAIB1H99000-9.3-Network Flow Analysis-Interface Bundle-Hardware


If the hidden directory C:\Program Files/Zero G Registry folder is still installed it can prevent services from getting installed during the reinstall, like MySQL for instance.


1. Uninstall NFA following ALL of the steps in the NFA Guide 

2. Ensure you have permitted Hidden Files in Window:

3. Also in Windows Explorer, delete the hidden zero g registry directory from: C:\Program Files\Zero G Registry folder.

Please also verify if the folder exists in \Program Files (x86)\

4. Delete the \CA\ directory.

5. Reboot the server.

6. Reinstall the NFA Harvester.

Additional Information

Note: Also be aware, the uninstaller does not remove the IIS settings so if you reinstall the product in a directory different from the first installation, the installer will fail.

Note: The "Migrator" is the process that lays down the database tables and schema, so despite the name it also runs during a clean install.