U3331 ABEND in VISION:Report module QUIKIO
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U3331 ABEND in VISION:Report module QUIKIO


Article ID: 31056


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What can cause a U3331 ABEND in VISION:Report module QUIKIO?




One cause of a U3331 abend in module QUIKIO, and a little information on user controlled I/O.

The first place to look for clues when any abend occurs is SYSPRINT, scanning for error messages.

Adding   LIST=YES,LISTOPT=YES,TRACECT=1   to the OPTIONs in the program
and TRACE ALL before the first executable statement helps diagnose the problem:

This is the TRACE output:

 STMT    21 TRAC     2700900A                                                 
 STMT    27 GET      27009018                                                 
 STMT    28 MOVE     27009030                                                 
 STMT    30 GET      27009048                                                 
 ERR259. GET ISSUED FOR INF FILE AFTER END OF FILE                            

Reflecting this section of code:

              (27)       GET INF                                              
              (28)       MOVE INF1-80 TO WST1-80                              
              (29)   *                                                        
              (30)   010 GET INF ATEND 901

The message was our clue:   ERR259. GET ISSUED FOR INF FILE AFTER END OF FILE

ERR259 is issued because there are no input records, so the second GET is past end of file.

Confusion remained because the program includes an ATEND parameter on the GET statement at line 30.
The user expected this to cause a branch to the label 901 on that GET, and then wrap up the program.

The problem is there are multiple GET statements in the program, but the one at line 27 does not include an ATEND parameter.
The ATEND parameter must exist on all GET statements or it is ignored.

Once the ATEND parameter was added to the GET statements on line 27, the program functioned as expected.

The bottom line is ATEND is an all or nothing operand.
If you specify it on any GET statement, it must be specified on all GET statements.