YYYY-11-06T03:47:43.846Z [FFC44A90 verbose 'vm:/vmfs/volumes/########-####-########1208/[folder]/[VM name].vmx'] VMotionLastStatusCb: Failed with error 4: The migration has exceeded the maximum switchover time of 100 second(s). ESX has preemptively failed the migration to allow the virtual machine to continue running on the source. To avoid this failure, either increase the maximum allowable switchover time or wait until the virtual machine is performing a less intensive workload.
Same error is noticed at vmotion failing at 69%
2024-09-10T04:52:10.868Z In(05) vmx - [msg.checkpoint.migration.maxSwitchoverTimeExceeded] The migration has exceeded the maximum switchover time of 100 second(s). ESX has preemptively failed the migration to allow the VM to continue running on the source. To avoid this failure, either increase the maximum allowable switchover time or wait until the VM is performing a less intensive workload.
+ To resolve this issue we need to upgrade to vSphere 8.x release 8.0 U3 as this is resolved in this release