Restoring NIC settings using the VMUpgradeHelper /r command fails with the error: The service encountered an error either reading or writing a device property
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Restoring NIC settings using the VMUpgradeHelper /r command fails with the error: The service encountered an error either reading or writing a device property


Article ID: 310460


Updated On:


VMware vCenter Server VMware vSphere ESXi


  • Using VMUpgradeHelper.exe /r (located at: C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware Tools) from a Windows command line (to restore NIC settings) fails with the error:

    Restore network config failed.

  • The Windows Event Application log contains error similar to:

    Event Type: Error
    Event Source: VMUpgradeHelper
    Event Category: None
    Event ID: 287
    Description: The service encountered an error either reading or writing a device property. Details: SetupAPI error: SetupDiSetDeviceRegistryProperty: 0xe000023a.

  • The operating system of the virtual machine is Windows Server 2003 and VMware Tools was upgraded in the virtual machine.
  • The virtual machine was upgraded to an ESXi 4.1 GA host.


VMware ESXi 4.1.x Embedded
VMware ESX 4.1.x
VMware ESXi 4.1.x Installable
VMware vCenter Server 4.1.x


This issue occurs due to an empty friendly name in Windows Registry.


To resolve this issue, install ESX/ESXi 4.1 Patch #01. For more information about the patch and to download it, see the VMware download page.
To work around this issue when you are cannot upgrade, set a friendly name to the NIC in Windows Registry.

Note: This procedure modifies the Windows registry. Before making any registry modifications, ensure that you have a current and valid backup of the registry and the virtual machine. For more information on backing up and restoring the registry, see the Microsoft Knowledge Base article 136393.

The preceding link was correct as of November 5th, 2013. If you find the link is broken, please provide feedback and a VMware employee will update the link.

  1. Open regedit and navigate to one of the paths below that corresponds to your NIC. For example:

    • For vmxnet

    • For vmxnet3

  2. Change the permissions for the relevant key to allow full control.
  3. The paths above will have subkeys. Add a new string value, FriendlyName, give it the same value as the value of DeviceDesc. For example, you may see


  4. In this case, you would add the string value of FriendlyName under 4&47b7341&0&0088 - the new key should be in the same location as the DeviceDesc string.