How can I determine the VISION:Transact release of an existing application?
To find out what release of VISION:Transact, previously known as MARK V, was used to generate an application
you can dump the @@FIVEPF CSECT in the application program load module.
The 2 bytes of data at offset X'01FC' in this CSECT will tell you the release number as follows:
X'030C' = Rel 7.8
X'02EE' = Rel 7.5
X'02BC' = Rel 7.0
X'028A' = Rel 6.5
X'0258' = Rel 6.0
X'4040' = Rel 5.0
The following sequence of TSO TEST commands will do the job:
LIST memname.@@FIVEPF.+1FC LEN(2)
The data that is listed will indicate the release number under which the application was genned.