Troubleshooting migration compatibility error: Device is a connected device with a remote backing
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Troubleshooting migration compatibility error: Device is a connected device with a remote backing


Article ID: 310296


Updated On:


VMware vCenter Server


  • When performing a vMotion migration this compatibility error is displayed:

    Unable to migrate from <source server> to <destination server>: Virtual Machine is configured to use a device that prevents migration: Device '<device>' is a connected device with a remote backing .


VMware vCenter Server 4.1.x
VMware vCenter Server 4.0.x
VMware VirtualCenter 2.0.x
VMware VirtualCenter 2.5.x



In ESX 3.x, VMware has provided the ability to connect client devices to virtual machines. This enables administrators to use their local resources (physical drives or image files) instead of the resources of the ESX host.
This error is generated when you have a client side CD ROM or floppy drive connected and try to vMotion a virtual machine.


Disconnect the client device before attempting the vMotion. Due to the nature of client device connections it is not possible to migrate a virtual machine if a client device is connected.

Additional Information

If you are unable to disconnect the client device or receive an error, perform one of these options:
  • Right-click the virtual machine, and click Install/Upgrade VMware Tools. This action forces an unmount of the component that is connected to the device.

  • Power off the virtual machine. When powered off, all devices are disconnected.