The EEM service 'CA Directory - itechpoz' does not start.
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The EEM service 'CA Directory - itechpoz' does not start.


Article ID: 31029


Updated On:


CA Service Catalog CA Service Management - Asset Portfolio Management CA Service Management - Service Desk Manager



The EEM service 'CA Directory - itechpoz' does not start.

After a 'reboot', the service does not start properly.



EEM running on a Windows platform



One or more 'PID' file(s) do still exist in the 'DXserver environment'.



The following options are to be checked and/or corrected:

1: Did the hostname for EEM change?

2: Did the IP-Address for EEM change?

3: Is EEM setup for Active Directory?

4: And is AD up and running?

5: What has been changed that could get this to start happening?

6: Possible 'Firewall' issues? Ports closed that should be open?


When 1 and 2 are answered with No,

When 3 and 4 are answered with Yes,

When 5 is answered with 'nothing',

When 6 is answered with No,


then the below situation might be the cause of the service not to start:

One or more 'PID' file(s) do still exist in the 'DXserver environment'.


To resolve that, please perform the below steps:

7a: The service that is not starting is named: CA Directory - iTechPoz

7b: Open a command prompt and run: dxserver stop all

7c: Then go to folder %DXHOME%\pid and remove any files that are in that location.

7d: Then start the itechpoz service by running: dxserver start all

>>: And the service should be up and running then.


Additional Information:




Release: CASVCT99000-12.9-Service Catalog