How can I print a list of all userids defined in UAMS?
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How can I print a list of all userids defined in UAMS?


Article ID: 31027


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How can I print a list of all userids defined in UAMS?


The Report Writer (shortcut /RW)  function in NetMaster contains many canned reports.

One of these prints out all userids contains in the UAMS file.


To run this report, go issue  /RW from the command line in your Netmaster region to bring up the Report Writer Primary menu.

Then select option G


   -------------------- Report Writer : Primary Menu---------

Select Option ===>  G   

   R   - Report Definition Maintenance                 RWDEFN
   G   - Generate a Report                             -
   S   - Schedule a Report                             RWSCHED
   P   - Reports in Progress                           -
   T   - Table Maintenance                             -
   X   - Exit  Userid ...            ( Optional P )


In the resulting screen, populate the fields as shown and hit PF6 to Action.

   ---------------- Report Writer : Generate a Report ---------
Command ===> 

> Report Appl .......+ $UASYS
> Report Type ........ PUBLIC        (PUBLIC or PRIVATE)
Userid .............               (Userid if PRIVATE)
> Report Name .......+ $SUMMARY
Owner .............. USER001 
> Printer Name ......+ ?
Hold Report? ....... NO            (YES or NO)
Keep Report? ....... NO            (YES or NO)
Number of Copies ... 1             (1 to 255)

It will prompt for a printer name,  supply that and the summary will be sent to the printer.
Or you can set HOLD to YES and view it in /PSM.Q.