This issue may occur if you are using an ext3 filesystem and the number of subdirectories within the tmp directory has exceeded 31988. The ext3 filesystem limits the number of subdirectories within a directory to 31998.
Note: For more information on the ext3 filesystem and its limitation on the number of subdirectories, see
To resolve this issue:
Log in to the source physical machine via SSH using the root username and password.
Run the ls command and check if the tmp folder has 31998 directories.
Alternatively, try creating a subdirectory within the tmp directory by using the mkdir command and see if you get the error:
Failed to mkdir - Too many links
If the number of subdirectories within the tmp directory has exceeded the limit, move the subdirectories in the tmp directory to another directory and then delete its contents. To do this, run these commands:
#mkdir backup #cd tmp #mv * /backup
You should now be able to perform the P2V conversion.