Uploading an OVF exported from Workstation to vCloud Director fails with the error: A specified parameter was not correct
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Uploading an OVF exported from Workstation to vCloud Director fails with the error: A specified parameter was not correct


Article ID: 309851


Updated On:


VMware vCenter Server


  • Cannot import an OVF to vCloud Director (vCD)
  • Importing an OVF to vCD fails
  • The virtual machine was created in VMware Workstation
  • Cannot deploy the OVF in vCenter Server


VMware vCenter Server 4.1.x
VMware vCenter Server 4.0.x
VMware vCenter Server 5.0.x
VMware vCenter Server 5.1.x


VMware Workstation includes a parameter that allows all virtual machines to use the default settings to upgrade VMware Tools.
This setting is not supported in vSphere and vCD environments.


To workaround the issue:
  1. Open the the OVF file using a text editor.
  2. Locate the line:

    <vmw:Config ovf:required="false" vmw:key="tools.toolsUpgradePolicy" vmw:value="useGlobal"/>

  3. Change this line to:

    <vmw:Config ovf:required="false" vmw:key="tools.toolsUpgradePolicy" vmw:value="manual"/>

  4. Save the file.

    Note: The .mf file must be deleted after saving the changes.

  5. Alternatively, export the virtual machine back to Workstation and change VMware Tools update option to manual:
  6. Right-click the virtual machine in Workstation and click Edit Settings.
  7. In the Options tab, change the VMware Tools update option from Use application default to Manual.