V2V conversion fails when using Paravirtual SCSI Controller
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V2V conversion fails when using Paravirtual SCSI Controller


Article ID: 309844


Updated On: 03-20-2024


VMware vSphere ESXi


  • V2V conversion using vCenter Converter 4.2.x or vCenter Converter Standalone 4.3.x fails at random times during disk cloning
  • In the Converter logs, you see entries similar to:

    [#24] [2011-03-19 00:17:57.071 05200 error 'task-12'] get unknown disk controller type
    [#24] [2011-03-19 00:17:57.105 05200 error 'task-12'] managed to managed disk clone failed: unknown disk controller type
    [#24] [2011-03-19 00:17:57.105 05200 error 'task-12'] Disk clone failed with clone error unknown disk controller type

    Disk controller type can be verified by searching for the following in the converter logs:

    --(vim.vm.device.ParaVirtualSCSIController) {
    [#37] dynamicType = <unset>,
    [#37] key = 1000,
    [#37] deviceInfo = (vim.Description) {
    [#37] dynamicType = <unset>,
    [#37] label = "SCSI controller 0",
    [#37] summary = "VMware paravirtual SCSI",



VMware vCenter Converter 4.2.x
VMware vCenter Converter Standalone 4.3.x


VMware is aware of this issue and has scheduled to resolve it in a future release.
To workaround this issue:
  1. Change the disk controller type to LSI logic or Buslogic before conversion.
  2. Revert the SCSI controller type to Paravirtual after the conversion completes.

For more information, see Changing the virtual SCSI controller of a virtual machine (1002149).