Opening a virtual machine console fails with the error: Unable to get the window handle for the "AxQuickMksAxCTL' control
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Opening a virtual machine console fails with the error: Unable to get the window handle for the "AxQuickMksAxCTL' control


Article ID: 309630


Updated On:


VMware vCenter Server


  • You cannot open the console of any one of your virtual machines.
  • Attempting to open a virtual machine console fails.
  • When accessing the Open Console option from a virtual machine, you see the error:

    Unable to get the window handle for the "AxQuickMksAxCTL' control.

  • When accessing the Console tab, you see the error:

    Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation


VMware vCenter Server 4.0.x
VMware vCenter Server 4.1.x
VMware VirtualCenter 2.5.x


To resolve this issue, set the system DEP policy to Always Off in the Windows operating system.

To set the system DEP policy to Always Off:

  1. Open a command prompt as the administrator:

    1. Click Start > All Programs > Accessories.
    2. Right-click Command Prompt and choose Run As Administrator.

  2. To disable Data Execution Prevention (DEP), run this command:

    bcdedit.exe /set nx AlwaysOff

  3. Uninstall the vCenter Server Client(s).
  4. Restart Windows.
  5. Re-install the vCenter Server Client(s).

Additional Information

This issue is observed on:
  • Windows XP
  • Windows Server 2003
  • Windows Server 2008
  • Windows 7
Falha ao abrir um console de máquina virtual com o erro: Unable to get the window handle for the "AxQuickMksAxCTL' control
Al intentar abrir una consola de máquina virtual, la operación falla y aparece el error: Unable to get the window handle for the "AxQuickMksAxCTL' control
仮想マシン コンソールが次のエラーで開けない: Unable to get the window handle for the "AxQuickMksAxCTL' control