Cannot create a Protection Group when using vCenter Site Recovery Manager with EMC VNXe and NFS
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Cannot create a Protection Group when using vCenter Site Recovery Manager with EMC VNXe and NFS


Article ID: 309568


Updated On:


VMware Live Recovery


When using vCenter Site Recovery Manager (SRM) 5.x with EMC VNXe and NFS, you experience these symptoms:
  • You are able to see the replication devices in array managers, but are unable to create protection groups because no datastore groups are displayed.
  • In the DR SRM logs, you see entries similar to:

    YYYY-MM-DDT18:41:05.664-04:00 [01912 warning 'DatastoreGroupManager' opID=fcca2f9] No read-write devices found for array pair 'array-pair-2121'
    YYYY-MM-DD T18:41:05.664-04:00 [01912 verbose 'DatastoreGroupManager' opID=fcca2f9] Recomputed datastore groups for array pair 'array-pair-2121': 0 replicated datastores, 0 replicated RDMs, 0 free devices, 0 datastore groups

  • In the source SRM logs, you see entries similar to:

    --> YYYY-MM-DD 17:05:04,598 [com.emc.util.xml.XmlHandler]: com.vmware.srm.xml.response.Response@13ec2dd
    --> YYYY-MM-DD 17:05:04,598 [com.emc.sra.SraController]:
    --> **** Response ****
    --> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
    --> <Response xmlns="">
    --> <ReplicatedDevices>
    --> <StoragePorts>
    --> <StoragePort type="NFS" id=""/>
    --> </StoragePorts>
    --> <TargetDevices>
    --> <TargetDevice state="read-only" key="100_APM00131009481_0000_108_APM00131009482_0000">
    --> <Name>Performance01</Name>
    --> </TargetDevice>
    --> <TargetDevice state="read-only" key="116_APM00131009481_0000_104_APM00131009482_0000">
    --> <Name>SRM-Replication</Name>
    --> </TargetDevice>
    --> </TargetDevices>
    --> </ReplicatedDevices>
    --> </Response>


VMware vCenter Site Recovery Manager 5.1.x
VMware vCenter Site Recovery Manager 5.0.x


This issue occurs because the Storage Replication Adapter (SRA) incorrectly detects the ACLs on the source volumes.

By default, users set a default access level, usually Read/Write, root, and apply Default to each host in the VNXe Unishpere setup. SRA detects Default and interprets this as Read-Only, which is incorrect.


To resolve this issue, explicitly set the Access Control List (ACL) for each host to Read/Write, root on all volumes and hosts, then refresh (discoverArrays) the SRM. This forces the SRA to detect the volumes with the correct Read/Write settings.

Consult with your Storage Array vendor for more details regarding setup and configuration of the ACL.

Additional Information

vCenter Site Recovery Manager を EMC VNXe および NFS と共に使用している場合に保護グループを作成できない