Please note you will need to perform the following IF you already have an established SRA in place and SRM is coming from a 32-bit machine to a 64-bit machine.
Change the "scriptpath" value to include the "(x86)" value in the program files tree within the "dbo.pd_arraymanager" table within the SRM database.
For example:
C:/Program Files/VMware/VMware vCenter Site Recovery Manager/scripts/SAN/MirrorView SRA will need to be changed to: C:/Program Files (x86)/VMware/VMware vCenter Site Recovery Manager/scripts/SAN/MirrorView SRA if this is not done,
The installation will halt and the SRM Service will not start.
These warnings and errors can be found in the srm install logs.
Database Connection Information That SRM Requires(http--pubsvmwarecom-srm-51-topic-comvmwaresrminsfigdoc-GUID-515D8807-2D5C-4F1C-8E8F-B394D25E7AD1html)