How to copy files from an isolated NSX Edge
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How to copy files from an isolated NSX Edge


Article ID: 309087


Updated On:


VMware NSX for vSphere


This article provides information on copying files from an NSX Edge where it is not routable or you are unable to FTP/SFTP to a server.


VMware NSX for vSphere 6.4.x


To copy of the files from an NSX Edge, you can use PowerCLI.
The syntax is as follows, all 1 line:
C:\> Copy-VMGuestFile -GuestToLocal -VM $vm -Source "/etc/fstab" -Destination "C:\FTP-SRV\" -GuestUser "root" -GuestPassword "############"

Set the VM name of the edge: C:\>$vm='Perimeter-01'
Change -Source to path were the files are located.
Change -Destination to path you wish to store the edge files.
Set -GuestUser to root
Set -GuestPassword to the password of the root user, found from NSX manager.

Note: ############ is the password of the root user.