VMware vCenter Server crashes with the error: Panic: NOT_IMPLEMENTED
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VMware vCenter Server crashes with the error: Panic: NOT_IMPLEMENTED


Article ID: 308861


Updated On:


VMware vCenter Server


  • VMware vCenter Server crashes
  • VirtualCenter Server service fails to start
  • In the vpxd logs, you see the backtrace:

    2010-06-18 22:03:50.662 03468 warning 'Libs'] VmdbCtxGet: Failed to get /vpx/datastore/#67/_private/managedObjImpl/ (Null cross reference)
    [2010-06-18 22:03:50.662 03468 error 'App'] Group /vpx/group/#s4103/ references invalid datastore /vpx/group/#s4103/datastore/#_SAS-60GB-INVALID/
    [2010-06-18 22:03:50.678 03468 error 'App']

    Panic: NOT_IMPLEMENTED d:/build/ob/bora-208111/bora/vpx/vpxd/vpxdInvtGroup.cpp:1948

    backtrace[00] eip 0x01a1c8a0 ?AbortProcess@System@Vmacore@@YAXXZ
    backtrace[01] eip 0x01a1d027 ?CreateBacktrace@SystemFactoryImpl@System@Vmacore@@UAEXAAV?$Ref@VBacktrace@System@Vmacore@@@3@@Z
    backtrace[02] eip 0x0195fa53 ?PanicExit@Vmacore@@YAXABV?$basic_string@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@V?$allocator@D@2@@std@@@Z
    backtrace[03] eip 0x0198b7be ?Vpanic@Vmacore@@YAXPBDPAD@Z

  • A datastore was recently removed.


VMware vCenter Server 4.1.x
VMware vCenter Server 4.0.x
VMware vCenter Server 5.0.x


This issue occurs due to an invalid datastore entry in the vCenter Server database.
In the sample log in the Symptoms section, the invalid datastore name is _SAS-60GB-INVALID. This issue occurs because the vCenter Server database is not updated with the correct datastore information. For example, this issue occurs when a datastore is removed from an ESX host by directly connecting to the ESX host using vSphere Client.


To resolve this issue, delete the invalid datastore from the vCenter Server database:
  1. Connect to the vCenter Server database instance using SQL Server Management Studio.
  2. Back up the vCenter Server database. Do not skip this step.
  3. From the vpxd logs identify the ID of the datastore. In the sample log in the Symptoms section, the invalid datastore ID is 67.
  4. Open the VPX_DATASTORE table and look for the invalid datastore. If the entry is missing, proceed to Step 5.
  5. Open the Query Analyzer and execute this query on the VPX_ENTITY table to look for the invalid datastore ID:

    select * from vpx_entity where ID = '<datastore_ID>'

  6. Execute this query to delete the invalid datastore from the VPX_ENTITY table:

    delete from vpx_entity where ID = '<datastore_ID>'

  7. Restart the VirtualCenter Server service. For more information, see Stopping, starting, or restarting vCenter services (1003895).

Additional Information

How to stop, start, or restart vCenter Server services
The VMware VirtualCenter Server service fails after moving virtual machine files to another host for a different instance of VirtualCenter