P2V fails at 99% for RHEL 6 using VMware vCenter Converter 5.0
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P2V fails at 99% for RHEL 6 using VMware vCenter Converter 5.0


Article ID: 308699


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  • A physical to virtual (P2V) conversion for RHEL 6 fails at 99%
  • You see the error:

    Failed: An error occurred during the conversion

  • The converter log contains the error:

    Error: Unable to reconfigure the destination virtual machine

  • The helper virtual machine logs contain entries similar to:
2011-03-21T16:24:48.440Z [F2F3FB90 error 'task-1'] RHEL version not supported by reconfig (converter.info.ComputerOsInfo.OsVersion) {
--> dynamicType = <unset>,
--> guestOsId = "redhat",
--> displayName = "rhel 6.0 (Santiago)",
--> osType = "linuxOs",
--> osEdition = <unset>,
--> distribution = "redHatEnterpriseLinuxDistro",
--> majorVersion = 6,
--> minorVersion = 0,
--> kernelVersion = "2.6.32-71.el6.x86_64",
--> os64Bit = true,
--> spLevel = <unset>,
--> }
2011-03-21T16:24:48.443Z [F2F3FB90 error 'task-1'] InitrdNativePatcher failed with exception RHEL version not supported by reconfig


VMware vCenter Converter Standalone 5.0.x


The issue occurs because there is no longer a /etc/modprobe.conf file in RHEL6. There is now instead a /etc/modprobe.d directory.


RHEL 6 is not a supported guest operating system in VMware vCenter Converter Standalone 5.0.
For more information, see Supported Guest Operating Systems in the VMware vCenter Converter Standalone 5.0 Release Notes.

Note: RHEL 6 is supported in VMware Vcenter Converter Standalone 5.1.