Resolving the error: The virtual machine is unable to reserve memory
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Resolving the error: The virtual machine is unable to reserve memory


Article ID: 308684


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VMware VMware Desktop Hypervisor VMware vSphere ESXi


  • An error indicates that the virtual machine is unable to reserve memory on the host.

  • You see the following error:

    The virtual machine is unable to reserve memory. If selecting Retry does not work, try powering off or suspending any other virtual machines before clicking Retry.

high-memory host-memory insufficient-memory-cpu-disk memory-overcommited sufficient-host-memory increase-ram


Note: If you are seeing this error after installing Service Pack 1 for Windows 7 or Windows 2008 R2, see After installing Windows 7 SP1, VMware Workstation reports the error: Not enough physical memory is available to power this virtual machine (1036185).

This error is generated when the VMware application is unable to reserve the memory (RAM) necessary to successfully power on or run a virtual machine. Typically, this occurs when the memory allocation settings for a virtual machine do not match the resources available on the host.

To resolve this issue, decrease the memory assigned to each virtual machine, increase the amount of physical memory installed in the host, or both.

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