Researchers recently published a paper on a padding oracle attack against CBC-mode ciphers in SSLv3. This is reported as CVE-2014-3566 also known as the "POODLE" (Padding Oracle On Downgraded Legacy Encryption) vulnerability.
This article provides guidance to mitigate this issue.
This issue is similar to the BEAST (Browser Exploit Against SSL/TLS) issue discussed in Mitigation of CVE-2011-3389 (BEAST) for web server administrators (2008784).
This vulnerability has many facets and details are available in the external links provided in the Additional Information section.
To mitigate this issue, disable SSL v3 in your browser. Please review or contact the browser vendor for documentation on how to disable SSL v3.
This vulnerability was discovered and reported publicly by security researchers. For more information, visit the vulnerability report and related links there.
Mitigation of CVE-2011-3389 (BEAST) for web server administrators