file using a text editor. For more information, see Editing configuration files in VMware ESX (1017022).any net <TargetNetwork> netmask <NetmaskAddress> gw <GatewayAddress>
any net netmask gw
# service network restart
# route
To manually add a static route on a running host:
# route add -net <TargetNetwork> netmask <NetmaskAddress> gw <GatewayAddress>
# route add -net netmask gw
# route
Note: The configuration change takes effect immediately, but does not persist across a reboot
For more information on configuring static routes for specific interfaces, see the Configuring Static Routes section of the RHEL 6 Deployment Guide.
Note: The preceding link was correct as of March 24, 2011. If you find the link is broken, provide feedback and a VMware employee will update the link.
Configuring static routes for vmkernel ports on an ESXi host