To resolve this issue, ensure that there are no issues related to network connectivity, permissions on the NFS Server, or firewall settings:
Note: Run all commands in these steps from the ESXi/ESX command line with root access.
- Ensure that you can ping and vmkping the NFS server address.
- Ensure that any firewalls between the ESX host and NFS Server do not block the connection.
- Ensure the access on the NFS server is set to Anonymous user, Root Access (no_root_squash), and Read/Write.
- Restore the mount with this command:
# esxcfg-nas -r
- Check to see if the datastore has mounted after trying to restore it with:
# esxcfg-nas -l
- If it is not mounted, try remounting it using this command:
# esxcfg-nas -a datastore_name -o nfs_server_hostname/ip -s mount_point
Alternatively, add the datastore again using the vSphere client:
- Open firewall ports on the network for RPC protocol and check the physical switch for any RPC protocol filtering.
Note: For security reasons, RPC protocol filtering is enabled, and the connection is refused.
On ESX hosts only (Does not apply to ESXi hosts):
- Check the ports open on the ESX firewall with this command:
# esxcfg-firewall -q
Note: Check the output for NFSClient
. If it is not listed, proceed to step 9.
- Open the NFS client firewall ports 111 and 2049 on UDP and TCP protocol either on vCenter Server or on ESX with the command:
# esxcfg-firewall --enableService nfsClient
Alternatively, modify the security policy in vSphere Client. Click Configuration > Security Profile > Properties, select NFS Client and click OK.
Note: Ensure that the ports 111 and 2049 are also open on the NFS server.
This issue can also occur if:
- There is a misconfiguration on the Switch port. In this case, try using a different vmnic (or move NICs to Unused/Standby in the NIC teaming tab of the vSwitch or Portgroup properties).
- The name of the NAS server is not resolved from the host side or vice versa. In this case, ensure that the DNS server and host-side entries are set properly.
If the preceding steps do not resolve the issue, see Troubleshooting NFS datastore connectivity issues